7 Easiest Illnesses to Fake or Ways to Get Disability Benefits

We present you with the list of the easiest illnesses to fake or ways to get disability benefits. Insider Monkey’s list is not a certain compilation of ideas but a funny article to read instead. If you’re striving to fake one of medical conditions for disability approval, you have to be well prepared. Whichever condition you pick from our list, it requires some thorough preparation. Luckily, you needn’t hurt yourself in any way to pretend you have one of the illnesses. It’s more about acting and pretending than anything else. However, that doesn’t just imply lying to the doctor. Your obligation is to do some deep research on the topic so as not to get caught. Let’s start by defining what is considered to be a disability.

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Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three of the easiest illnesses to fake or ways to get disability benefits from their list.

The first one is Migraine. Personally I never want to know that pulsating headache that simple will not go away. I have had lots of acquaintances who had regular migraine, and I must confess I don’t want even pretend suffering from it. But if you do –  ake sure you’re showing sensitivity to light and sounds, and complain about that nauseating feeling. The next illness on our short list should be backache. When you’re in your 40s, who’s to say you don’t feel a backache? Do you really believe your spine and back are in the perfect condition? Of course not. Therefore, you can fake back pain without any problems. At last, but not least let’s check out Anxiety/agoraphobia. Among many anxiety symptoms,  there are insomnia, nervous stomach, dizziness, neck tension, shortness of breath, nausea, and the overwhelming feeling of worry. Agoraphobia  is just one example of anxiety disorder, but we feel it’s really convenient for faking in order to avoid work. It’s the fear of places and situations that might cause a panic attack. How can you go to work every day if you fear to leave your home on your own? Just perfect.

For any further useful information, read Insider Monkey’s article about 7 easiest illnesses to fake or ways to get disability benefits.

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